Beautification Commission
The Hiram Community Beautification Commission was established under Ordinance 88-28 passed on February 14, 1989. The Beautification Commission is established in Section 145.03 of the Hiram Codified Ordinances.
The purpose of this organization is to beautify the Village and its environs, specifically the Village, the College and the Township, and to oversee the care and maintenance of its beautification. The Hiram Community Beautification Commission shall be under the jurisdiction of the Hiram Village Council and its chairperson may be a member of the Village Council. The Commission shall meet no fewer than three times a year.
The membership of the Hiram Community Beautification Commission shall consist of the following:
The membership of the Hiram Community Beautification Commission shall consist of the following:
- 1 representative from the Hiram Village Council;
- 1 representative from Hiram Village at large;
- 1 representative from the Hiram Township Trustees;
- 1 representative from Hiram Township at large;
- 1 representative from Hiram College;
- 1 representative from Hiram Public Gardens; and
- the Mayor of Hiram Village who shall sit ex officio.
Members shall be appointed as they are available by the Mayor from recommendations by the representative groups.
To contact the Beautification Commission: